
Some amazing tips and tricks to get you started. 

The Biggest Benefit From Meditation

The Biggest Benefit From Meditation

I often speak with people I coach, either one on one or in groups about mindfulness and meditation. I speak about the benefits of meditation, and how it can allow us to live more mindfully through the day. This often draws a few more questions about what this really...

Destination or Journey?

Destination or Journey?

I use an app called Headspace for a daily guided meditation as part of my overall morning mindfulness practice. I have been practicing mindfulness for close to 10 years now and the journey has been amazing. The results may be tough to see in terms of day to day...

Is it Luck?

Is it Luck?

I was catching up with a client and friend the other day about his journey over the last 10 years in business and life. He had just told me about a new development that had come up in his business that had been a long time coming. Some would consider it a lucky break....

Why are they doing that?

Why are they doing that?

Have you ever found yourself frustrated with how one of your employees is performing a task? Have you ever wondered why people don’t just do things the way you, or your customers, expect it to be done? If you have asked yourself these questions it is likely that you...

Where Is Your Future?

Where Is Your Future?

If you are driving you car and need to make a sharp turn in the road what do you do? Do you look ahead in the direction you were going or do you set your sights on where you want to go? Setting your attention on where you want to end up provides a much higher chance...

What’s your reason for being in business?

What’s your reason for being in business?

Recently I read a fantastic article by Guy Kawasaki titled “The Meaning of Meaning”. A key message from the article was that if you get in business to only make money you will likely have a hard time creating a great company. He went on to discuss how the great...

Are you ready to reawaken and live from your True S.E.L.F.?

Whether you want more out of life, a smoother running business, or even to create a business transition plan, it all starts with taking a look inside. I can help you with this. Together, we create space so you can tap into your own Self-Energizing Life Force, uncover your well-rounded sense of purpose and your guiding values. Together, we will ensure you go from stuck to your definition of success!