Why are they doing that?

Why are they doing that?

Have you ever found yourself frustrated with how one of your employees is performing a task? Have you ever wondered why people don’t just do things the way you, or your customers, expect it to be done? If you have asked yourself these questions it is likely that you...
Where Is Your Future?

Where Is Your Future?

If you are driving you car and need to make a sharp turn in the road what do you do? Do you look ahead in the direction you were going or do you set your sights on where you want to go? Setting your attention on where you want to end up provides a much higher chance...
What’s your reason for being in business?

What’s your reason for being in business?

Recently I read a fantastic article by Guy Kawasaki titled “The Meaning of Meaning”. A key message from the article was that if you get in business to only make money you will likely have a hard time creating a great company. He went on to discuss how the great...
What is Holding You Back?

What is Holding You Back?

I recently completed a project that I’d been procrastinating on for a long time. As I finished it I realized something; by completing this project I now had one less excuse for not doing something else. In my case finishing my company website allowed me one less...