Free Guided Meditations

Free Guided Meditations

Sunshine Guided Meditation

Shower yourself with positive light in this 6-minute guided meditation.

Letting Go Guided Meditation

In this 7-minute guided meditation, you will learn to let go of the negative thoughts and negative energy in your life.

A Life Well Lived Guided Meditation

Visualize your future-self in this 7-minute guided meditation.

Ideal Life Guided Meditation

Tap into what’s truly important to you in your life. This is a 12-minute guided meditation.

Gratitude Guided Meditation

Build gratitude in your life with this simple 7-minute guided meditation exercise.

Are you ready to reawaken and live from your True S.E.L.F.?

Whether you want more out of life, a smoother running business, or even to create a business transition plan, it all starts with taking a look inside. I can help you with this. Together, we create space so you can tap into your own Self-Energizing Life Force, uncover your well-rounded sense of purpose and your guiding values. Together, we will ensure you go from stuck to your definition of success!