Dare to Dream Big.

Create Your Ideal Business.

Do you ever wonder if your business is in the best shape it could be? Do you find the same hurdles and challenges pop up time and time again? How do you feel when you get into work? Happy and energized, or grumpy and worn out?

I can help you revamp your business into something that works for you and not against you!

If you are…

      • Having a hard time delegating, thinking you have to do it all,
      • Feeling lonely at the top and need a sounding board,
      • Struggling with work/life balance,
      • Unsure of the direction you want to take the business in,
      • Checking out of your personal values at work,
      • Finding it challenging to tap into the unique strengths of your employees,

… I can help you!

How can I help?

I can walk you through the 4-stage Step Back Process for business owners! Learn more below:

1. Assess the health of your business.

      • Do a full “body scan” of your business (SWOT analysis) to get the facts.
      • It really is personal and not just business: Do you ever get in your own way?
      • What are you telling yourself about the state of your business? Does it match reality?

2. Envision your ideal business.

      • Tap into your creative imagination: What does your ideal business look like?
      • Don’t check your values at the door. How can your values inform your ideal business?
      • How do you define success for yourself and for your organization?

3. Create a roadmap to get there.

      • Get to work on the biggest gaps you have identified between the reality and your ideal business.
      • Make a detailed plan for how you can bridge those gaps efficiently.
      • Don’t forget about the human factor: How can this new business help you and your team grow as individuals?

4. Remain accountable so you can stay on track.

      • I can be your accountability partner to make sure you stay the course.
      • Remember to bring patience and compassion into the process.
      • Celebrate the wins, big and small, as your ideal business materializes.

Are you ready to create your ideal business?

Are you ready to reawaken and live from your True S.E.L.F.?

Whether you want more out of life, a smoother running business, or even to create a business transition plan, it all starts with taking a look inside. I can help you with this. Together, we create space so you can tap into your own Self-Energizing Life Force, uncover your well-rounded sense of purpose and your guiding values. Together, we will ensure you go from stuck to your definition of success!