Leave No Stones Unturned.

Create Your Ideal Business Transition.

Transitioning out of a business can be challenging. There’s a lot going on, and it isn’t something most business owners deal with more than once in their life. However, transitioning can be HUGELY beneficial for you. It can be a route toward creating your ideal life!

So if you are…

      • Having a hard time clarifying your core transition objectives,
      • Unsure of how to create a transition plan that meets those objectives,
      • Unclear about the ins and outs of a successful transition,
      • Concerned about who you will be and what you will do without the business,
      • Not sure how to evaluate the worth of your business,
      • Worried your business may not survive your departure,

… I can help you!

How can I help?

As an Exit Planning Professional and Transition Planning Consultant, I can help you navigate your transition with the 4-stage Step Back Process. Here’s how:

1. Ask yourself the questions that will set you up for success.

      • Check in with yourself to see how you are feeling and thinking about this transition.
      • You don’t know what you don’t know! Maybe there’s a key aspect that you are overlooking. With my help, you will leave no stones unturned.
      • Assess your business’s value drivers. What makes it attractive?

2. Envision your ideal business transition.

      • Sink into the feeling of having transitioned out of your business. What’s that like?
      • Start planning the details: transferring ownership, financial aspects, leaving a legacy…
      • Ask yourself what this transition will allow you to do.

3. Come up with a clear plan.

      • Now that you know what you want, create a strategy to make it a reality.
      • Identify the biggest gaps between the present reality and your ideal transition.
      • Bridge that gap through successive actions steps.

4. Make sure you follow through.

      • I can be your go-to accountability partner to see this plan through.
      • Don’t forget the key ingredients of patience, clarity, compassion, and gratitude!
      • Celebrate the wins, big or small, as you get closer and closer to your ideal transition.

Are you ready to create your ideal business transition?

Are you ready to reawaken and live from your True S.E.L.F.?

Whether you want more out of life, a smoother running business, or even to create a business transition plan, it all starts with taking a look inside. I can help you with this. Together, we create space so you can tap into your own Self-Energizing Life Force, uncover your well-rounded sense of purpose and your guiding values. Together, we will ensure you go from stuck to your definition of success!