Insights & Case Studies

Written content by Dave Sinclair

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New Year’s Resolutions, Part 1: Where Do I Start?

New Year’s Resolutions, Part 1: Where Do I Start?

This is Part 1 of 5 in a series on new year’s resolutions. We are told that the new year is a time for resolutions. But many of us struggle with this tradition. Very often, we find that we can only stick to our resolutions for a few weeks, if at all. Why is that? Well...

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About – Rev 1

Hi, I am Dave Sinclair You know that guy, who works fifteen hours a day, has no concept of a work-life balance, and is always chasing the money, the fancy cars and the fast life? Ten years ago, I was that guy. I was working myself to death, until I ended up in a jail...

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Going from struggling to Growth..

Going from struggling to Growth..

I love personal growth. I love reading about it,talking about it, and watching the people I coach live it. I have to admit though I do not love EVERYTHING about it. I am talking about the up front part that led to the need for...

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Featured Publications

Wellness Book Series

  • Part 1 – Ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit
  • Part 2 – Phasellus malesuada nibh
  • Part 3 – Feugiat ipsum facilisis finibus ornare.

Are you ready to reawaken and live your true self?

Whether you want a plan for a smoother running business or you just want more out of this life, once you have a vision of what your ideal self could be, and you start progressing towards it we can use the same process to uncover the details of the other plans that will help support your journey to your ideal life vision.