This is Part 4 of 5 in a series on new year’s resolutions. If you have not done so, I invite you to start by reading Parts 1, 2, and 3

The pandemic taught us the importance of forging meaningful connections.

Now more than ever, after a long period of social isolation, we need to rebuild our connection to others. This can make for a good resolution. We need to remind ourselves that we are not alone. Life is always going to have ups and downs. Doesn’t having people around us to cheer us on when we succeed make it worth succeeding? Doesn’t having a support system during hard times make them easier to bear? 

One thing that sure helps me is remember that I do not have to face all my challenges by myself. Other people are facing their own challenges too. Taking time to connect, listen to, and help another talk through their challenges is empowering. It makes the challenges we face feel more manageable as well! When we hold space for someone else, offer compassion, and give some words of encouragement, we are subconsciously telling ourselves these things as well. Showing compassion for someone else teaches us to have compassion for ourselves.

If a human life can be compared to a grain of salt, as Leo Tolstoy said, what’s keeping you from finding other grains of sand. Imagine the ripple you can create together!

Here are some tips on what you can do now to build a stronger support system for your future:

  • There are plenty of online support groups out there. If you are struggling with social isolation, I encourage you to look them up. I am a facilitator for Today’s Real Man Tribe where men can find a safe space to share the ups and downs and to grow forward together. Looking for some growth minded connection? Check us out!
  • Make an intention to reach out to the people around you. Ask them how they’re doing. Ask them and really listen to what they share. You do not have to solve their challenges, just be there to witness them with compassion. Just doing this, sharing space and experiences, can make a huge shift in your own well-being by creating authentic connection.
  • Carve out time in your schedule to spend one-on-one time with a person you love, for activities you both cherish.

Any ideas pop up for you as you read this on how building connection may benefit you or those around you? Is there one small step you can take today that can help you grow or deepen your connections?

Feeling lost? Numb? Conflicted? It’s time to create your future through SELF Leadership. Dave’s mission is to help individuals and organizations re-discover the innate wisdom within, define what success truly is, and GROW FORWARD!

Whether you are looking to get more out of life, more out of your business, or want to discuss exiting your business, contact Dave for a complementary 1/2-hour discovery session and kick-start your journey to Reawaken & Live From Your True SELF!