Today’s Real Man Tribe.
Level Up Your TRUE Success

With Dave Sinclair your Transformational Journey Support Coach

“My goal is to help 10,000 men liberate themselves from their self-imposed prisons and become heroic leaders of change.”

It is time to ditch what’s holding you back and be the man you have always dreamed of. One who is living a life true to their core values! Join us and transform into a life of authenticity, inner-freedom, and true success.

A men’s only private Facebook group that provides real growth through honest connection, conversations, and commitment to action.

The Men’s Only Facebook Group That Is Disrupting The Status Quo With Real Conversations

As a man in this world do you feel burdened, lost, numb to life, alone, not sure where to turn for support, and almost ready to give up? Do you feel life is slipping through your fingers?

What if we told you you’re not alone. In the US alone 9 million men are treated for depression and anxiety. 79% of all suicides are men suffering from mental illness. 1 in 5 men develop a substance abuse problem at some point in their lives.

What is Today’s Real Man Tribe?

We want to create a much-needed conversation around men and how their actions can lead them towards or away from an ideal life. We want to create a space where men feel comfortable and supported to have those real conversations that can lead to their own unique purpose, share the successes and challenges, and keep it all real.

There’s a new kind of tribe emerging. Where men are safe to be men. Where we refuse to remain numb, and start to become. Seeking the ideal life that transforms us into powerful agents of purposeful change. This is the legacy we were meant to live. This is what it means to fully reconnect as TODAY’S REAL MAN. Welcome home. We’ve been waiting for you.


Does this fit for you?

What can you gain?

  • A source of connection to other men, and a feeling that you’re not alone in the world

  • A safe space to share, learn, and grow

  • A spot to challenge yourself towards your TRUE SUCCESS and be your own heroic leader of change!


Who is this group for:


  • Men, from all walks of life, who are looking for some proactive mental, emotional and even spiritual medicine to help right their ship before it tips over! Get the tools, and support from people who are putting in the work to get their lives on track.
  • Men, from all walks of life, who have hit their own rock bottom, are on their way back up, and want to be around others who are ready to create their future selves!

Join Today’s Real Mens Tribe on Facebook

A group where we can start having the hard conversations and lean into the suck that has been keeping us stuck. The result is acting towards what we truly value and desire. We don’t have to be alone. Let’s gain our success as a group.

Are you ready to reawaken and live from your True S.E.L.F.?

Whether you want more out of life, a smoother running business, or even to create a business transition plan, it all starts with taking a look inside. I can help you with this. Together, we create space so you can tap into your own Self-Energizing Life Force, uncover your well-rounded sense of purpose and your guiding values. Together, we will ensure you go from stuck to your definition of success!