Have you ever found yourself frustrated with how one of your employees is performing a task? Have you ever wondered why people don’t just do things the way you, or your customers, expect it to be done?

If you have asked yourself these questions it is likely that you may need to look in the mirror and ask a more important question to find the solutions.

Have you provided the necessary details that would allow people to do what you, and your customers, expect? Far too often I have found that the reason employees within organizations are not performing as expected is because they do not fully understand what those expectations are. The reason for that is they don’t have a clear picture of how what they do feeds into the whole of what the organization is trying to accomplish.

Sure we provide our so called “team members” with a simple job description, allowing them to perform their basic tasks, but do they really know what you expect? Do they really know how their actions contribute to the greater mission of your business? Do they know and feel a part of this effort?

For that matter, do you really know?

What if you were to set up a system that allows everyone in your organization to feel like what they do actually makes a difference to how your company takes care of the customers and ultimately performs? By doing this your company could run smoother, and day-to-day decisions could be made more automatically. What would happen if you could create a system that lets everyone know why the company is in business, where the business is going, and how it will operate to get there? This would significantly help employees make decisions that add value to what they are doing. It would drive everyone in the same direction, ensuring more satisfied customers. It would build a more valuable company overall.

By doing this you can engage your staff and build a culture of accountability that would lead to a smoother running organization that delights customers. I think from here you can see that if you can accomplish this, the rest of the reasons for being in business will fall nicely into place.

Drop the Hustle. Drop the Stress. Create Success & Your Ideal Life. Dave’s mission is to help individuals and organizations first define what success is for them, and then to help them create a road map to find it. Whether you are looking to get more out of life, more out of your business, or want to discuss exiting your business, contact Dave for a complementary 1/2 hour discovery session and kick-start your journey to Reawaken & Live Your True Self!

E-mail me at [email protected] or visit my website for more information, free resources, and services- www.davesinclair.ca/services